Thursday, February 05, 2009

And how does your brand stink?

Dear brands world wide,

Imagine that I am blind. God forbid, in the event there would be one.
Then I can't see you. I can't see your brand. I can't see how you communicate about yourself. I can touch your products, if I know where they are. I can smell your aroma, or your odor, yet you need to explain to me that that smell is linked to your brand.
I can hear you shouting, and I can even hear you whispering, as long as I know how to distinguish your audiostream from all the other noise.

Of course we live in a visual community. But it can't harm to, once in a while, omit the obvious brand experiences, and enhance parts of your brand spectrum you might forget about.

Imagine all your consumers are blind. You will need to change the codes and references of your language. You will need to work on your overall brand experience, and not rely on the visual bombing you're used to. Let's face it, for us, being not blind, it's a war zone out there.
You will need to create products that have a USP, but also a USF (Unique Selling Feel), a USO (Unique Selling Odor), a USA (Unique Selling Audio), and a UST (Unique Selling Taste).

Tip to do with a friend.
Blindfold and take him or her to a branded spot. Like Ikea, Starbucks, you name it. How long before your friend will realise where he or she is?

Tip for brands:
Set up a team of blind consumers. Your eyes will open.

Thanks Pedro Alegria, for inspiring me on this topic.

Sensorial Lisbon on
Imagine what might be like to rediscover blindfolded the borough of Alfama: the narrow streets, the smell of grilled sardines, the sound of a Fado that can be heard from afar and so many others sensorial adventures… Walks on foot in the Alfama Borough in which the participants have their eyes blindfolded and are guided by a blind guide from ACAPO (Association for the Visually Impaired) who shares his sensorial experiences. There are also a Lisbon Walker Guide who sets the historical contextualization of the route, and 4 other elements who help the participants. The Project has two main goals: - to provide a sensorial experience which aims to gather new knowledge of the surrounding space through the stimuli of the senses of smell, tact, taste and hearing and absense of vision. - to bring awareness to the universe of the visually impaired, not as a limitation but instead in a positive and stimulating note in which the blind himself invite us to step into his own world of codes and references.

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