Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shit design. (Pardon my french)

One of the things we can do with the Addictlab concept, is set up collaborations with schools and have their students work on one of our research themes. Preferably in a out-of-the-classroom surrounding, and on a project that is far away from their normal habitat.

Have a look at the ongoing Kidsresearch.

Some examples?
Take labbie Silke Rombaut.

She contributed with her great Kids Cage concept on her labfile.

But look a her 'Shit Down' concept, a bold design statement in the beginning of your career.. But on second thoughts, not bad. Useful it is, since you need kids to train to do their little thing on a toilet in stead of in the Procter and Gamble device. These house breaking rules are not that easy. (I have two kids, I know). Yet I'm not too sure about having a huge fecal look-a-like in my bathroom, but ok.

Second remarkable concept is by Labbie Dagmar Stozek
She is clearly a fan of the prestigious Nip Tuck series, and who can blame her.
She created a very strong image, with a lot of impact and 'stopping power' as we say. During the Labbie workshop they can think of concepts for products, but also reflect on the matter at hand. Which is even more important.

And then a nice one by Marilyn Verwimp. This flower changes color, indicating the right temperature of the water when the baby needs to take a bath. A concept with a possible commercial value..

We do welcome schools to take on similar projects. Do not hesitate to get in contact and have your students become our labbies.

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