Sunday, May 11, 2008

Labmember from Indonesia: No cup please.

I know, I do feel privileged to be in contact with geniuses from all over the world. Here is a very fine idea, uploaded on Addictlab all the way from Indonesia. It's interesting because of its simple concept, but also its sustainable and ECO-potential, cutting away part of the consumers consumption process (and thus waste).

New labmember Chandy Widiastara has been doing research on instant coffee packaging. You won't need a cup, since the packaging changes function. Just add water, and hup. How instant can you get?

Thank you Roosydin Harris, to become our new Labambassador in Indonesia. If there are other people in other creative hubs out there, do not hesitate and join our labambassadors from Vancouver, Gent, Joburg, London or more. Have a look at Addictlab.
As a labambassador, you try to discover great local talent, and by linking them with Addictlab and have them register on our website, it is your energy that will make their work being published in one of our books, being exhibited wherever we can (or are invited), and being produced whenever we get a client/company looking for innovation.
Know anyone working at D'Ouwe Egberts or Starbucks or any other worthy Coffee , Soup or food brand? I'll be happy to make the bridge.

Labfile Cupchet

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