Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Everybody vip.

When VIP becomes a commodity.
How much of quality time do we seek? Via our glass fiber connections we see individuals having their 15 bits of fame, common people being blasted in and out of stardom, and Paris Hiltonites running around the globe and acting as if they own it. (Well, they probably do, but only the brick and mortar).
So yes, everybody is looking for some level of pampering and feels they should be part of an upgraded world. The success of even the cheapest products can be measured via their upgradability. So watch the rise of a better packaged world, yet the content still expires on the same date.

Look at this Wheel of Excellence. Everybody is in for the ride. For the happy few, you can take the VIP coach. Same tour, Same visual. But at least you have the idea of doing it in a special way.
I could think of a number of activities you could do in there, but I'll leave that to your imagination. And that is exactly what the tinted windows are for.

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